Friday, August 5, 2011

Hello! Just more about me!

These are the characters I want to be the most like.

Leslie Burke and Lucy Pevensie. They are both a part of me. Leslie with her color and crazyness; and Lucy with her belief and innocence. They brought so much to their stories and i hope i can do so as well.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Apprentice Company

I am going to play a quick game with you. It's called understanding. The first thing you have to do is imagine that you just auditioned for an amazing professional acting training session. You made it. Now, imagine being thirteen and walking into a studio full of 16 to 29 year old kids/adults. This is exactly what happened to me this summer... and it was EPIC. I got the best training experience I could possably have through the course of two weeks. Me and the rest of the company learned to trust each other, dissected Shakespeare, got to know ourselves and did yoga and some waltzing. I learned that i can be friends with people no matter how much older they are than me, how to understand a character and that i love stage combat and waltzing(who knew)! I am now working on the performance we were training for... Romeo and Juliet. I'm extremely excited and hope to see you in the audience!